Friday, October 7, 2011

Radical Whimsical Odd Poetry From My Early Writing Days

Oh I got a real treat for you today, I got something to blow the socks right off your feet. I got something to blow the brains right out of your skulls, the eyes from your head, the tongues from your mouths. I GOT...SOME OF MY OLD POETRY..... OH THE HORRORS! Yeh, this is probably some of the weirdest works of literature I have ever written, but to be perfectly honest, my poetry work has improved rapidly throughout the years, for I have written several poems all throughout my junior year on just about anything I felt like writing about or things that were on my mind. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I actually wrote a poem about "Death" and how we are all going to confront "Death" one day, one way or another. But it's good to look back and observe these horribly awesome poems that I have conceived many years ago and it's these poems that make me realize how far I have come in my poetry and story telling.


At last, thy night has come
The winds sound like a drum
The pitch black of the sky
What is to come?

For tomorrow is inevitable
And the snow is not edible
For if you eat it
The feeling of irritation is incredible

So what is to come of tomorrow
A day of misery and sorrow
It’s not quite clear what is coming
But maybe it’s a day to borrow

I assure it will be alright
The sun will be shining bright
And with the good lord looking over you
There is no feeling of fright


It was a cold day
A very cold day
And much to my dismay
I felt a wrath of gray

For there was nothing to do
And with one red shoe
I went to visit you

We were bored, the day was dumb
I sat upon the chair like a plum
And you sat there like a bum
As we staired at the nearest thumb

Now it is all over
For we will all bend over
And move on with our lives
Life’s full of challenges

1 comment:

  1. Really awesome. I like your poetry. Keep it up. You have written such a nice and meaningful poetry.

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