And the Nostalgia Critic isn't the only bit he does at ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. He is also known for portraying That Guy With The Glasses, the character that the site obviously got it's name from. That Guy gives advice to people who ask him questions, and he always has some sort of corny, yet hostile response, always looking so casual and confident in the process. And Walker's Chester A. Bum often gives positive, yet incredibly funny movie reviews, ingeniusly named Bum Reviews With Chester A. Bum. And don't worry, the Bum always thinks the movie he sees is the greatest movie he has ever seen in his life, always interpreting the film himself and ridiculating on some of the things other critics might have found wrong with the film. And I think it's great that Doug Walker has recently decided to start making side reviews for the films he reviews as the bum, giving his straight up perspective of what he thought of the film and talking about the things he thought were either great or could have been done better. Some of my favorite Nostalgia Critic episodes are the Super Mario Bros movie review, the TMNT Trilogy review, The Top 11 Greast Batman TAS Episodes (Because he likes to go one step beyond), he even does reviews of old nostalgia commercials. I don't know about you, but I think that his Nostalgia Commercials Part 2 video is one of the best videos I have ever seen on the web, and clearly shows how the Nostalgia Critic's reviews can not only be laughable, but fun and innovative as well.
And the Nostalgia Critic isn't the only reviewer/film maker at ThatGuyWithTheGlasses. There are tons of other web users that dominate the website, and they are all equally as good in my opinion. Another reviewer I hold most dear is Lewis Lovhaug, also known as Linkara, who is one of the very few Internet reviewers I have come across that reviews comic books. Unlike the Nostalgia Critic, his reviews actually have a story to them and the comic crusader always finds himself fighting against Intergalactic cyborgs or getting sucked into another dimension. He is also a big fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is one of my all time favorite shows. And he certainly is someone who knows a lot about comic books, everything from DC to Marvel, even Dark Horse and Image Comics and all their interpretations of classic heroes. He also has had a video where he has a look at some old advertisments in comic books and it was pretty cool for what it was, for it went deeper into what campy, outlandish commercial products were advertised within the pages of the comics. And since he is such a devoted Comic Guru, he often points out a lot of random factors and things that make you laugh as he flips through the pages of those horrid comics, usually ending each episode with "THIS COMIC SUCKS". In short, Linkara is up there with the critic when it comes to hard core analysis on the many elements of popular culture. After all, he is a huge Star Trek and Power Rangers fan. Did you see his History of Power Rangers videos? If you didn't and you are a die hard Power Rangers fan, you might want to check them out. You won't be disappointed.
So if you are in the mood for some plain out "funnies", head over to ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Com for some high quality entertainment and fun reviews that movie goers will surely come to cherish. You can really see the hard work put into these videos and you can see that the reviewers have quite a passion for what they do, especially Doug Walker, the man that started it all. By the way, he is the guy that invented The Movie In 5 Seconds. That alone makes ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Com completely worth wild and worth giving a go!
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