20. Cocoa Crispies
I guess those cereal makers thought that Rice Crispies tasted too dull, so they through in a chocolately burst. Similar to Cocoa Pebbles, Cocoa Crispies turn the milk chocolatey like any chocolate cereal and shuts any kid up who wants a doughnut for breakfast. I guess it makes sense for them to make a chocolate doppleganger, for they do make chocolate rice crispy treats in the stores nowadays.
19. The Captain Crunch Cereals
This is a series of cereals so exotic, that they use what looks to be a Revolutionary War Captain to promote their cereal. I mean, there must be nearly a thousand kinds of this cereal, Peanut Butter Crunch, Crunch Berries, they even made a cereal that was in the shape of little tiny doughnuts. I mean, it’s unique how no other cereal in existence could make their cereal into balls or bars, or doughnuts. But no matter, the Captain Crunch Cereals are pretty darn good, even when the commercials make the cereal look like some kind of drugged joyride.
18. Golden Crisps
The mascot is a anthropomorphic bear. Does it get more rad then that. The cereal is as good as a cereal can get. You plung that spoon into that sweet brown pool of great sugary goodness, it’s like that sugary rush you need to be alert. And to be fair, the brand from Kellogg’s entitled Honey Smacks is pretty good as well, given a good serving of honey for you blood glucose statis. Which ones better, well, they are both the same in my opinion, but Golden Crisps might just be a little bit sweeter. I guess it’s because of all that darn sugar they put in it.
17. The Flintstones Cereals
Way back in the day, the Flintstones were used to promote Winston Cigarettes, the cigarettes that’s good like a cigarette should. Then, in the late 60s, they began to promote cereals like Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. Now, to be honest, I don’t like this cereal as much as my brother does, he probably could go through an entire box or 2. But the cereal is pretty good, given either a taste of fruitiness or a blast of chocolatey goodness. There are also other Pebbles Cereals like Dino Pebbles, Marshmallow Mania Pebbles, even Cinna-Crunch Pebbles. But no matter how you like your Pebbles, even if they are deeped fried or boiled, they are a great cereal to eat if you want to raise your Hanna Barbera spirit.
16. Life
The first thing I ask myself, why is it called Life? Is it a cereal that is supposed to give a person a life, or make someone feel lifeless. But it’s a good cereal, no matter how the cookie crumbles. With a sugary coating, this cereal kills all cravings, and kids love it. As a matter of fact, they used to put the kids’ faces on the cereal boxes. I would have loved to have my face on one of those boxes, but these days, I think to myself. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Anyway, great cereal for kids and adults alike.
15. Cocoa Puffs
I’m cuckoo for cocoa puffs! Cuckoo for cocoa puffs! Remember that annoying ostrich or whatever it was? The one that use loud mouthed shrieking to promote the cereal? Well, I surely do, and the cereal is pretty good. I guess you can say that any corn puffed cereal with chocolate flavor is gonna be good, but this one is the emperor over the kingdom. With a big crunch and a rich chocolaty taste, Cocoa Puffs kills the chocolate cravings, and sure gets kids on the war pad after eating it.
14. Alphabits
We all know our alphabets, but whoever came up with the idea to make them into cereal was a GENIUS! I mean, whole grain cereal in the shape of our alphabets frosted in a light sugary coating, come on! And it’s a great way to teach your young ones your alphabets. Now if only they could do the same thing with roman numerals. I wonder what they would call it? Numeral Crunch maybe?
13. Frosted Cheerios
Are you tired of eating the so called bland taste of regular Cheerios? Do you wish they had a little more flavor to them? Well you are in luck. Frosted Cheerios give you that epic Cheerio taste, only with a frosted coating on top. Now, I have been eating this cereal for a very long time, and I just could not leave this cereal out. After all, they did have some bright and flashy commercials for it way back in the day. I mean, what little child is not attracted by bright and luminous commercials for cereals. And believe or not, I still enjoy this cereal to this day, though in some cases it is very rare and hard to find.
12. Honey Nut Cheerios
I love honey, I love nuts, and I love Cheerios. Put them together and you got a cereal that is not only delectable but good for your body. Plus, there is a small, cute little bee that is used to advertise the cereal, spewing the famous catchphrase, “Be happy, be healthy”. I just love that. This cereal is more then a cereal, it is a food for a better life. If you want a cereal that is full of taste, then pick up a box of the bee’s famous cereal. Also, pick up those fruits and veggies as well, because those a good for you too.
11. Golden Grahams
Do you love graham crackers as much as I do? Well, there is a cereal out there called Golden Grahams, packing a great taste of cinnamon and others spices. Did you ever have it? If you did, could you ever stop eating it. It’s kinda like the enchanted turkish delight from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, you will eat it until you die. Okay, maybe that isn’t the case, but Golden Grahams was a pretty good cereal, very tasting a great for every breakfast meal. And I keep a special vault full of the cereal down in my subterranean layer. Just kidding, I don’t have a vault. I don’t even have a subterranean layer.
10. The Monster Cereals
Now, your probably thinking, what the heck are the Monster Cereals? Well, just to clear it up a bit, there is Count Chocula, Franken Berry and my favorite, Boo Berry. Everytime I think of these cereals, the first thing that comes to mind is Halloween, and the only time to find Franken Berry and Boo Berry is around Halloween, but Count Chocula is pretty easy to find in your local cereal isle. Also, at a time, there was other cereals like Yummy Mummy and Fruit Brute. But no matter, these cereals are the best, and I consider them the haunted, distorted and foiled versions of Lucky Charms, with their sugary cereal pieces and dried out marshmallows.
9. Apple Jacks
At a time, Apple Jacks had no mascot, but as time went by, they got an apple and a stick of cinnamon with a Jamaican accent to do the job (I wonder how much they’re paid). The cereal is top dog though. The only thing that I must complement on is at Halloween time, they would add in these pumpkin shaped pieces that tasted like pieces of dried out corn cereal with orange dye that were left in the Sahara Desert for several years. But anyway, the cereal is pretty darn good, and even though they don’t taste like apples, they still can give us a great cereal taste.
8. Fruit Loops
Fruit Loops are GOD! Just kidding, but I just couldn’t live with myself knowing that Fruit Loops were not on the final ten list. Introduced in the 1960s, this cereal didn’t have it’s classic blue loops until the 90s. They also choose to promote the cereal with a group of toucans, lead by the great cereal mascot, Toucan Sam. And I love this cereal. I mean, how many cereals of the time have a great fruity flavor and a sugary burst? Anyway, Fruit Loops are the best, and reside on the number 9 spot on my list.
7. Corn Pops
Remember way back in the 90s, when everyone was saying, I gotta have my pops? Well, I was one of them people. Though I was a little kid at the time, I deeply enjoyed this cereal, because it was both sweet, crunchy, and satisfied all cravings. Today, we get these freaky commercials with some human mouth running around town, eating running pops. It’s just odd. And what’s with the peanut butter cereal they once made, was it supposed to compete with Reese’s Puffs (I’ll get to those later)? Anyway, Pops is a very tasty cereal, taking a lot of publicity these past few years. I just hope that the giant mouth doesn’t chase after me!
6. Lucky Charms
Okay, where do I start? Surely there is a lot to nit pick about this one. First of all, there are these children chasing a Irish leprechaun down a hill in order to get his cereal. Kinda like Trix, ah? Also, the cereal contains dry, sugary pieces they have the guts to call marshmallows. I call them 30 year old Halloween candy. But the cereal itself not that bad. As a matter of fact, I prefer the chocolate Lucky Charms to the original ones for some particular reason. Anyway, that’s all I can say about Lucky Charms. I was kinda odd seeing Warwick Davis wolf some of the cereal down in the horror film, Leprechaun.
5. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
What the heck happened to the other chefs? This question has been looming in the midst for decades. Did the one chef kill them? I really don’t know, but this is a cereal I couldn’t get enough of as a child. I begged my mom ignorantly for the cereal when we went to the store, and through a tantrum when I didn’t get it, but I have grown up, and have gotten out of that “crybaby” stage. I guess there is some sort of magical fairy dust they put in the cereal that makes kids want to eat it over and over again. But however the wall comes down, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is very good, and very sugary. Give your kid a bowl of it and he will be jumping all over the walls like a Phidippus audax.
4. Frosted Flake
Frosted Flakes is one of the greatest cereals of all time. One of Kellogg’s first cereals, Frosted Flakes became very successful, and is still beloved by many people today. Now, would you believe at a time they had made Chocolate Frosted Flakes? I am not joking! And they were pretty darn good too. I guess the cereal still has a great touch after many years, even thought it’s advertised by an tiger who keeps shouting “their great”.
3. Corn Flakes
Now it’s time to scrape the sugary coating off the flakes, and we have corn flakes. Distributed by many cereal companies all over the world, Corn Flakes is a great cereal, and taste a lot better than tasteless Puff Rice. Just call them Cardboard Chippings and I’ll be happy. Anyway, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are advertised by a green chicken who doesn’t really do anything, he just stands, and is my favorite brand of the cereal. And if you are not satisfyed with the bland and vacant taste, just sprinkle a little sugar on them and they’ll be fine. I have been mentioning a lot about sugar, haven’t I? SUGAR, SUGAR SUGAR!
2. Cheerios
After all of this lollygagging on Cheerios, you’d think we’d never get to original pot that started it all. No matter how you put it, this is one of the greatest cereals of all time. Not only does it taste good, by it helps prevent heart disease and helps lower cholesterol. I mean, how can you not help loving it. All children and adults love this cereal, and I someday hope to pass it down to my children, and they will pass it to their children and so on and so on. Cheerios rock, and lie at my number 2 spot.
And the number one cereal is…..
1. Rice Crispies
This cereal is legendary, how could you not like this cereal. I mean, sure some people think it’s bad, but when you chop it down, it’s one of the greatest foods to hit the market. And that legendary trio, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, always packing in laughs that we can enjoy. I love this cereal, and no matter where you live, or where you go, it will always be there. So folks, bring back Snap, Crackle and Pop, and get rid of all those passionate commercials that belong in a Hallmark store. Now we have started and ended with crispies, no pun intended.
So, there you have it, the long awaited Top 20 Cereals List. My next entry will be the surprise that I all hope you will enjoy, and then some interesting things after that. Take care.
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