I am a huge fan of not only the original Star Wars, but the prequel films as well. I think it's quite a shame that these films can't be met with the similar critical acclaim as the original trilogy, but I still think they are fascinating and fun films with just as many iconic scenes as the classic films we all know and love, even if there are a few minor flaws along the way.

But a lot of the reviews of the Star Wars prequels I have come across on the internet are actually pretty well critiqued and thought out, the people clearly explaining why they don't like something in the prequels, and backing up their statements with details and facts. RedLetterMedia is one of those reviewers, and perhaps one of the funniest reviewers I have ever seen on a computer screen. Never before have I seen such reviews with slapstick, humor and pizza roll baking, and he blends it all together into an exemplary concoction for all to cherish and enjoy. His thoroughly explained reviews made me chuckle a couple of times, even though there were some things, I have to admit, I didn't actually agree with. But hey, we all have different opinions on things, and as long as you back up your opinion with well thought explanation, it makes it all the better. RedLetterMedia also does other funny videos like the Half in a Bag series and even videos with the horrible despised film maker, Tommy Wiseau. YOU'RE TEARING ME APART GEORGE still rings in my head for some reason.
I also think it's funny how satirical the obese character of Mr. Plinkett is in the reviews, talking of such odd ball things like milking cats or murdering his wife or stuffing women into a refrigerator filled with flesh eating cockroaches. Of course it's all fake, by film maker Mike Stoklasa pulls this off perfectly so it's not only disturbing, but very hilarious as well. And according to his videos, if you leave a comment on his videos, he sends you a pizza roll in the mail. Now, come on, tell me! Who doesn't want a pizza roll in the mail?
So if you are one of those who despises the Star Wars prequels or you're are just in for a good review that not's only funny, but filled with great opinion and perspective, check out RedLetterMedia today. He also does awesome reviews of the Star Trek: The Next Generation films and even a review of Baby's Day Out. And I am personally looking forward to seeing what he reviews next, because there is no doubt in my mind that it will give me just as many giggles and astonishment as the other reviews I have watched. As Emperor Palpatine would say "GOOD! GOOD!"
By the way, his Palpatine expression is freakin amazing too!
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