Last summer was filled with an onslaught of great blockbuster films that not only broke the box office charts, but were acclaimed by critics and movie goers alike. And this summer, it looks as if we are going to be given even more epic motion pictures with great action, awesome special effects, and action scenes that are enough to make you crap your pants. With that said, let's have a look at the movies that I am looking forward to seeing this summer, because there is a lot of them, and I am most looking forward seeing them and reviewing them for all to enjoy.
X-Men: First Class

Yeh, I know, a lot of people aren't too happy on how this movie is being made, and the fact that they aren't using any of the original X-Men characters except Beast, but after I saw the trailer for this X-Men prequel, I have to admit, I was intrigued. Surely it didn't blow my mind on every level imaginable, and it looks like there is going to be several continuity errors retconning elements established in the other X-Men films, but it still looks like it's going to be an exciting and fascinating film that nicely sets up the events shown in the previous X-Men films and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and if rumors are correct, there will be sequels to this film, so maybe we will be able to see young Cyclops, Jean Grey, Ice-Man, and even young Storm. And I personally would love to see a sequel to X-Men: The Last Stand so the Uncanny X-Men get the proper send-off they deserve. CYCLOPS' RESURRECTION!
Cowboys and Aliens

Looks like Iron Man director Jon Favreau is coming through again with another comic based movie based upon the hit graphic novel by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg. And what an interesting concept for both a graphic novel and movie. Just say the title, COWBOYS AND ALIENS. It's simple, yet it sticks. And after seeing the trailer for the film, and familiar faces like Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, it looks like we are in for a ride like no other. There looks like there is going to be great action, interesting acting by the cast, and special effects that will blow your eyes right out of their sockets. Now if only there was a sequel, Cowboys and Mecha Ninja Vampire Zombies, and this could very well be one of the greatest movie series of all time!
Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Whether you like the first two films or not, I think we can honestly say that Transformers: Dark of the Moon will break just as many barriers as it's predecessors. In my opinion, the films are not the best things since Strawberry Pop Tarts, but I still thought they were fun and exciting films that kids will fall head over heels for. Yeh, sure, these films are more or less made to make millions of dollars of merchandising and toys, but the third and final installment in the Transformers live action series actually looks pretty cool, and from what I hear, they are supposed to have the Dinobots and Grimlock make an appearance. How radical is that! I also think it's groundbreaking that they are having Leonard Nimoy as the voice of Sentinel Prime. I think this movie will get an A+ from me if Sentinel Prime gives a Deception a vulcan nerve pinch. I wouldn't be surprised if Pink Floyd made an appearance in this film!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

This is it folks. The epic fantasy series that has captivated the lives of millions is coming to an end. But how will it end? Those who read the Harry Potter books are looking forward to seeing the book come to life and know exactly what will happen, but those who have not read the books and have been swept away by the motion pictures are left wondering if either Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort will meet their end. And judging by the first trailer for the final film, it looks like there is going to be a big, climatic battle between good and evil on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And I personally am not the biggest fan of Harry Potter, but I have seen all the films and I must say that I am looking forward to seeing how the story ends and if good triumphs over evil. Harry Potter is certainly one of the greatest movies series ever made!
Super 8

As a big fan of science fiction films and books, I personally can't wait to see Super 8. The idea of this film, directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg, is very unique, and very different from other Spielberg alien flicks like ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the panned fourth Indiana Jones film. And from what I have seen through the trailer and the super bowl TV spot, I have to say that this film looks not only creepy and terrifying, but fun and adventurous at the same time. It looks like this film will be an instant blockbuster, and now doubt if the movie is good, I will be seeing it more than once, because it surely looks like it will blow me away. By the way, you gotta have that catchy Bad Robot logo before the film starts. That alone would make the film worth wild.
Green Lantern

Looks like the Merge with a Mouth is getting a green makeover in this summer's DC flick, starring Ryan Reynolds as the most famous of the Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan. Being a big fan of the emerald hero from the DC universe, I was quite fascinated when I saw the trailer, and it looks like this film is not only going to be entertaining to the death, but also very funny as well and have plenty of comic relief along the way. I am also looking forward to seeing other classic Green Lantern characters in the film, such as Sinestro, Hector Hammond, and even Kilowog. I also like the exotic look to the Green Lantern costume, very illuminating and nicely detailed, very different from Hal Jordan's comic book counterpart. And it would surely be fascinating to see other Green Lanterns in the film, maybe Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and even the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Green Lantern is by far one of my favorite super heroes of the DC universe, and I am looking forward to seeing his treatment on the silver screen!

Gosh darn with cake and ice cream, I am psyched for this movie! After I was blown out of my seat by both Iron Man and Iron Man 2, I am surely looking forward to seeing how this hammer throwing hero from Asgard is managed on the big screen. Even the trailers and TV spots for this movie are were wild, check them out. The action scenes LOOK AMAZING! I like the silvery, misty look to some of the scenes, and I am really looking forward to the showdown between Thor and Destroyer. How awesome would it be to see Thor throw Mjollnir right into the face of Destroyer, shattering him to a billion trillion bits. I am also looking forward to the rumored Hawkeye cameo, for Jeremy Renner is to play him in the Avengers movie, set to hit theaters next summer, but who knows, maybe Nick Fury or Tony Stark will make an appearance at the end of the film just as he did in The Incredible Hulk. All I can say is that Thor looks like it will instantly become one of my all time favorite super hero films!
Captain America: The First Avenger

As Green Lantern and Thor are super hero movies I am really looking forward too, Captain America: The First Avenger is probably the super hero film I am looking forward too the most. After seeing a brief glimpse of the frozen Cap in a deleted opening scene in The Incredible Hulk, I pondered in excitement of the upcoming Captain America film, and after seeing the Superbowl spot and the trailer for the film, I nearly went through the roof. Hugo Weaving looked AMAZING as Red Skull, and seeing Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans go from a puny, strawny little felllow to a muscular ass kicking machine was really interesting as well. It's kind of odd to think that Chris Evans is both Captain America and the Human Torch, but no doubt a Fantastic Four reboot will be made to clear that problem up. I am also looking forward to seeing how this film will lead into the other Marvel films like Iron Man and Thor, and or course the Avengers movie coming out next summer, because the Avengers surely need a leader, and Captain America will surely be there to kick maniacal buttox!
These films will surely make my summer worth while, for I am quite a sucker for films with a lot of action, suspense and excitement. I will certainly do reviews of these films when I get the chance, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for future blog posts in the near future, because there is so much more I would like to talk about with everybody in the world of the Internet. Thanks again!
X-Men: First Class
Yeh, I know, a lot of people aren't too happy on how this movie is being made, and the fact that they aren't using any of the original X-Men characters except Beast, but after I saw the trailer for this X-Men prequel, I have to admit, I was intrigued. Surely it didn't blow my mind on every level imaginable, and it looks like there is going to be several continuity errors retconning elements established in the other X-Men films, but it still looks like it's going to be an exciting and fascinating film that nicely sets up the events shown in the previous X-Men films and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and if rumors are correct, there will be sequels to this film, so maybe we will be able to see young Cyclops, Jean Grey, Ice-Man, and even young Storm. And I personally would love to see a sequel to X-Men: The Last Stand so the Uncanny X-Men get the proper send-off they deserve. CYCLOPS' RESURRECTION!
Cowboys and Aliens
Looks like Iron Man director Jon Favreau is coming through again with another comic based movie based upon the hit graphic novel by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg. And what an interesting concept for both a graphic novel and movie. Just say the title, COWBOYS AND ALIENS. It's simple, yet it sticks. And after seeing the trailer for the film, and familiar faces like Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, it looks like we are in for a ride like no other. There looks like there is going to be great action, interesting acting by the cast, and special effects that will blow your eyes right out of their sockets. Now if only there was a sequel, Cowboys and Mecha Ninja Vampire Zombies, and this could very well be one of the greatest movie series of all time!
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Whether you like the first two films or not, I think we can honestly say that Transformers: Dark of the Moon will break just as many barriers as it's predecessors. In my opinion, the films are not the best things since Strawberry Pop Tarts, but I still thought they were fun and exciting films that kids will fall head over heels for. Yeh, sure, these films are more or less made to make millions of dollars of merchandising and toys, but the third and final installment in the Transformers live action series actually looks pretty cool, and from what I hear, they are supposed to have the Dinobots and Grimlock make an appearance. How radical is that! I also think it's groundbreaking that they are having Leonard Nimoy as the voice of Sentinel Prime. I think this movie will get an A+ from me if Sentinel Prime gives a Deception a vulcan nerve pinch. I wouldn't be surprised if Pink Floyd made an appearance in this film!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
This is it folks. The epic fantasy series that has captivated the lives of millions is coming to an end. But how will it end? Those who read the Harry Potter books are looking forward to seeing the book come to life and know exactly what will happen, but those who have not read the books and have been swept away by the motion pictures are left wondering if either Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort will meet their end. And judging by the first trailer for the final film, it looks like there is going to be a big, climatic battle between good and evil on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And I personally am not the biggest fan of Harry Potter, but I have seen all the films and I must say that I am looking forward to seeing how the story ends and if good triumphs over evil. Harry Potter is certainly one of the greatest movies series ever made!
Super 8
As a big fan of science fiction films and books, I personally can't wait to see Super 8. The idea of this film, directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg, is very unique, and very different from other Spielberg alien flicks like ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the panned fourth Indiana Jones film. And from what I have seen through the trailer and the super bowl TV spot, I have to say that this film looks not only creepy and terrifying, but fun and adventurous at the same time. It looks like this film will be an instant blockbuster, and now doubt if the movie is good, I will be seeing it more than once, because it surely looks like it will blow me away. By the way, you gotta have that catchy Bad Robot logo before the film starts. That alone would make the film worth wild.
Green Lantern
Looks like the Merge with a Mouth is getting a green makeover in this summer's DC flick, starring Ryan Reynolds as the most famous of the Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan. Being a big fan of the emerald hero from the DC universe, I was quite fascinated when I saw the trailer, and it looks like this film is not only going to be entertaining to the death, but also very funny as well and have plenty of comic relief along the way. I am also looking forward to seeing other classic Green Lantern characters in the film, such as Sinestro, Hector Hammond, and even Kilowog. I also like the exotic look to the Green Lantern costume, very illuminating and nicely detailed, very different from Hal Jordan's comic book counterpart. And it would surely be fascinating to see other Green Lanterns in the film, maybe Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, and even the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Green Lantern is by far one of my favorite super heroes of the DC universe, and I am looking forward to seeing his treatment on the silver screen!
Gosh darn with cake and ice cream, I am psyched for this movie! After I was blown out of my seat by both Iron Man and Iron Man 2, I am surely looking forward to seeing how this hammer throwing hero from Asgard is managed on the big screen. Even the trailers and TV spots for this movie are were wild, check them out. The action scenes LOOK AMAZING! I like the silvery, misty look to some of the scenes, and I am really looking forward to the showdown between Thor and Destroyer. How awesome would it be to see Thor throw Mjollnir right into the face of Destroyer, shattering him to a billion trillion bits. I am also looking forward to the rumored Hawkeye cameo, for Jeremy Renner is to play him in the Avengers movie, set to hit theaters next summer, but who knows, maybe Nick Fury or Tony Stark will make an appearance at the end of the film just as he did in The Incredible Hulk. All I can say is that Thor looks like it will instantly become one of my all time favorite super hero films!
Captain America: The First Avenger
As Green Lantern and Thor are super hero movies I am really looking forward too, Captain America: The First Avenger is probably the super hero film I am looking forward too the most. After seeing a brief glimpse of the frozen Cap in a deleted opening scene in The Incredible Hulk, I pondered in excitement of the upcoming Captain America film, and after seeing the Superbowl spot and the trailer for the film, I nearly went through the roof. Hugo Weaving looked AMAZING as Red Skull, and seeing Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans go from a puny, strawny little felllow to a muscular ass kicking machine was really interesting as well. It's kind of odd to think that Chris Evans is both Captain America and the Human Torch, but no doubt a Fantastic Four reboot will be made to clear that problem up. I am also looking forward to seeing how this film will lead into the other Marvel films like Iron Man and Thor, and or course the Avengers movie coming out next summer, because the Avengers surely need a leader, and Captain America will surely be there to kick maniacal buttox!
These films will surely make my summer worth while, for I am quite a sucker for films with a lot of action, suspense and excitement. I will certainly do reviews of these films when I get the chance, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for future blog posts in the near future, because there is so much more I would like to talk about with everybody in the world of the Internet. Thanks again!
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