A while back, I gave you a look at some of my all time favorite video games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. But being the hard core video game lover I am, I couldn't resist expanding the list further, for I was missing out on a lot of other classic video games in the NES library. So with that said, here are the runners up in the best NES Video Games Ever Made, and watch out, for you might come across some of your favorites on the list as well! There are so many great games, I barely boiled the water!
Bubble Bobble

You gotta love those cute little dinosaurs! Bubble Bobble is one of the greatest games ever made! Not only is it fun and original, but it is one of the very few video games in general that allows you to attack with bubbles! And who could forget those names, Bub and Bob. How incendiary is that! This game is also filled with many vibrant colors and themes to keep you in the Bubble Bobble kind of mood, even though some stages can be a bit tedious and eye widening. And with all great games comes a string of sequels, and most of the Bubble Bobble sequels follow greatly in it's footsteps, but none of them capture the charm and appeal of the first.
Blaster Master

Kudos for the creators of Super Mario Crossover for adding in Jason and SOPHIA THE 3RD into the gameplay, because Blaster Master is a true iconic masterpiece. Everything in the game feels so fluent and free, it's like you can do almost anything with SOPHIA, even turn into a giant robot kong and fight Mechagodzilla. But with all great games, comes an icing of challenge, and Blaster Master has a vault full of challenge to keep you on your toes as you glide off each rocky mountain edge and cliff. And who could forget that iconic cinematic opening. But even though the main character wears a pink jumpsuit and rides around in a possessed version of Herbie the Lovebug, Blaster Master has enough firepower and destruction to send your babysitter flying out the door!
Ghosts n Goblins

Well, I will start out by saying that this game is one hard son of a.....But that is what makes Ghosts n Goblins iconic, it's erratic game set up and mouth foaming faulty gameplay. Whether it would be the zombies that rise from the grounds or the giant ogres you fight at the end of each level, Ghost n Goblins is no cup of tea to many, but still is a fun, appealing game that deserves a lot more credit. Not to mention that it is created by the very people who brought us Mega Man and Street Fighters. But what made Ghost n Goblins and it's arcade version counterpart most iconic is that it was one of the very first horror video games, dealing with terrifying elements mostly seen within horror movies and not seen in video games at the time. But Capcom did a fantastic job with this game, and thought it is a hard hard, cold calculating video game that makes us play the game twice to get to the final boss, it is still a classic masterpiece.
Mega Man 2

How could I make a NES classics list and not include Mega Man 2! Inarguably the best of the 8-bit Mega Man masterpieces, Mega Man 2 was chalked with much more action and excitement than the first Mega Man, which I had on my first list. But what made this Mega Man the most exemplary was that it featured a lot of features that could become most vital in later Mega Man titles. But what I enjoy most about the game is the characters especially the bosses. You got your Metal Man, your Air Man, your Bubble Man, your Quick Man, your Wood Man, your Crash Man, your Spider-Man, your Batman, your Superman, your Chocolate Man, your Hydrochloric Acid Man, your Lemonade Man, and even your "Hey look, I'm a mecha ninja alien vampire pirate stock market exchanger" Man. Okay, now I'm just being plain out silly, but Mega Man 2 does have some pretty sweet bosses, and it will take all your shooting, jumping, and power up abilities to swiftly take them out. Mega Man 2, the best Mega Man video game ever!
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse

What a great game! This is truly the best out of the NES Castlevania games! Set several years before the first Castlevania game, Castlvania 3 follows the character of Trevor Belmont in his fight against the blood sucking Nosferatu himself, Dracula. But what made the game the most iconic Castlevania game of the time what that you could not only play as Trevor, but also as several other characters that would become iconic in the Castlevania universe, such as Dracula's son Alucard, the hoppity hopping Grant DaNasty, and the icy princess herself, Sypha Belnades. The style and overall setup of the game is also eye popping and beautiful. From the cathedrals, to Dracula's castle hallways, to the hauntingly hauntingness of the haunted graveyard, Castlevania 3 has some places to make each level all the wild. Now if only Trevor could crack his whip in 8 directions like Simon in Super Castlevania 4, and Castlevania 3 could be the very best video game ever made.

If you like racing or are a big fan of games with bikes and motocross, Excitebike is your pot of gold. Not only is it a challenging and high flying racing game, but it also has some of the best controls out of any other NES games. And whether you would like to ride solo or ride alongside others in the ride of your life, you will have a fun time with this game, for it is by far the best racing game in the NES library. It is also the most iconic, for it allows you to play with others and allows you to pick what colored person and vehicle you would like. But believe it or not, there was actually a Mario version of Excitebike released in Japan called Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium. I personally have never played it, but it is most likely just as good as the original Excitebike, and no doubt Excitebike will be a piece of cake for many to beat and enjoy, for it is always fun to play games where men drive on tracks and run people over! Uh, you better check this out...http://www.cafegamer.com/play-524.html
Final Fantasy

Well, to begin with, I am not the biggest buff of Final Fantasy. Sure, all the games are good as well as the Kingdom Hearts games it would spawn in the coming years, but I just never wrapped myself in the overall noir and mythology of the series. However, the original Final Fantasy for the NES is a great game. It was a huge 1 up in RPGs at the time, and would leave the breadcrumbs for other RPGs to follow in the future, such as the Pokemon series. And it's always fun to slaughter giant dragons, fight off a herd of evil enemies, and even brand an onslaught of epic weapons made famous in later Final Fantasy titles. And even if it's not the first Final Fantasy ever made (well, not the first made in Japan), it has a place in our hearts as the game the started it all, the game that started the whole obsessed universe with characters with funny haircuts and mystical orbs from lands far away. And even though it's not my all time favorite (believe me, I know nothing about Final Fantasy noir), it's one of my favorite RPGs and I still enjoy it to this very day.
Ice Climbers

Gotta love a game where you play as Eskimos running around smashing ice with giant hammers! Considered to many as the more brutal version of Milton Bradley's Don't Break The Ice, Ice Climbers tells the story of Eskimos Popo and Nana who are on a mission to retrieve stolen vegetables from a vicious vulture. In order to get to their holy veggies of deception, Popo and Nana must go on the periling journey of climbing up 32 ice covered mountains filled with the most vulgar and callous of creatures, which ,with the swiftness of an eagle, can be bashed with your iconic brown hammer in a matter of seconds. And Ice Climbers, for how hard and challenging it is, is still a pretty fun game, and the main protagonists, Popo and Nana would become stellar NES icons, appearing in other games like Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii. Because nothing says saving the world like sending enemies flying to oblivion with the smash of a hammer!

One of the very few shooting games I am a fan of, Contra features groundbreaking flips, shooting techniques, and a hunky body builder commando named Bill R. The plot of the game is something straight out of an average action flick from the 1980s, only this time, thrown in with the minors elements of a cheesy sci-fi cult classic. But Contra is made better by the swift and agile play controls and the ability to do many things with that mighty weapon called a gun. Bill R. is able to do many different tricks with his gun as the game goes farther, and as in many games released for this epic console, you are put up against the most feared of thugs and bosses. How cool would it be if people had guns with unlimited ammo in real life? But Contra is very exciting and grandiose, and would allow it's epic sequels to follow in it's footsteps, such as Contra III: The Alien Wars (The Next Best SNES Classics anyone?)
And the next best NES classic is....
Ninja Gaiden

Like Ghosts n Goblins, Ninja Gaiden will make you wanna break the game cartridge like the Nostalgia Critic did to Bebes Kids for the SNES. This game, and the spawns it would spawn, are very difficult and will make your brain ooze out of your nose. But to give the game supreme credit, it is very groundbreaking and unlike any other game released at the time. The gameplay, though very reminiscent of the Castlevania games, allowed you to walk on walls and perform groundbreaking stealth attacks with your sword, not to mention the main character of the game is named Ryu. Where's M. Bison and Blanka when you need them? This game is also glorified for it's stunning cutscenes and anime like potential, making ninjas a more prominent feature in video games. But never the less, Ninja Gaiden (GUY-DEN) is one hard cookie to crumble, especially in later levels, which will require your patience and sharpness to get from one baffling boss to the next. And who can forget that awesome soundtrack, pumping you up for nonstop action and slashing in each level.
So, with that said, I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of my all time favorite NES games. Hopefully a Part 3 will be on the way, but stay tuned for more fun and intriguing blogspots in the near future. Live long and prosper!
Bubble Bobble
You gotta love those cute little dinosaurs! Bubble Bobble is one of the greatest games ever made! Not only is it fun and original, but it is one of the very few video games in general that allows you to attack with bubbles! And who could forget those names, Bub and Bob. How incendiary is that! This game is also filled with many vibrant colors and themes to keep you in the Bubble Bobble kind of mood, even though some stages can be a bit tedious and eye widening. And with all great games comes a string of sequels, and most of the Bubble Bobble sequels follow greatly in it's footsteps, but none of them capture the charm and appeal of the first.
Blaster Master
Kudos for the creators of Super Mario Crossover for adding in Jason and SOPHIA THE 3RD into the gameplay, because Blaster Master is a true iconic masterpiece. Everything in the game feels so fluent and free, it's like you can do almost anything with SOPHIA, even turn into a giant robot kong and fight Mechagodzilla. But with all great games, comes an icing of challenge, and Blaster Master has a vault full of challenge to keep you on your toes as you glide off each rocky mountain edge and cliff. And who could forget that iconic cinematic opening. But even though the main character wears a pink jumpsuit and rides around in a possessed version of Herbie the Lovebug, Blaster Master has enough firepower and destruction to send your babysitter flying out the door!
Ghosts n Goblins
Well, I will start out by saying that this game is one hard son of a.....But that is what makes Ghosts n Goblins iconic, it's erratic game set up and mouth foaming faulty gameplay. Whether it would be the zombies that rise from the grounds or the giant ogres you fight at the end of each level, Ghost n Goblins is no cup of tea to many, but still is a fun, appealing game that deserves a lot more credit. Not to mention that it is created by the very people who brought us Mega Man and Street Fighters. But what made Ghost n Goblins and it's arcade version counterpart most iconic is that it was one of the very first horror video games, dealing with terrifying elements mostly seen within horror movies and not seen in video games at the time. But Capcom did a fantastic job with this game, and thought it is a hard hard, cold calculating video game that makes us play the game twice to get to the final boss, it is still a classic masterpiece.
Mega Man 2
How could I make a NES classics list and not include Mega Man 2! Inarguably the best of the 8-bit Mega Man masterpieces, Mega Man 2 was chalked with much more action and excitement than the first Mega Man, which I had on my first list. But what made this Mega Man the most exemplary was that it featured a lot of features that could become most vital in later Mega Man titles. But what I enjoy most about the game is the characters especially the bosses. You got your Metal Man, your Air Man, your Bubble Man, your Quick Man, your Wood Man, your Crash Man, your Spider-Man, your Batman, your Superman, your Chocolate Man, your Hydrochloric Acid Man, your Lemonade Man, and even your "Hey look, I'm a mecha ninja alien vampire pirate stock market exchanger" Man. Okay, now I'm just being plain out silly, but Mega Man 2 does have some pretty sweet bosses, and it will take all your shooting, jumping, and power up abilities to swiftly take them out. Mega Man 2, the best Mega Man video game ever!
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
What a great game! This is truly the best out of the NES Castlevania games! Set several years before the first Castlevania game, Castlvania 3 follows the character of Trevor Belmont in his fight against the blood sucking Nosferatu himself, Dracula. But what made the game the most iconic Castlevania game of the time what that you could not only play as Trevor, but also as several other characters that would become iconic in the Castlevania universe, such as Dracula's son Alucard, the hoppity hopping Grant DaNasty, and the icy princess herself, Sypha Belnades. The style and overall setup of the game is also eye popping and beautiful. From the cathedrals, to Dracula's castle hallways, to the hauntingly hauntingness of the haunted graveyard, Castlevania 3 has some places to make each level all the wild. Now if only Trevor could crack his whip in 8 directions like Simon in Super Castlevania 4, and Castlevania 3 could be the very best video game ever made.
If you like racing or are a big fan of games with bikes and motocross, Excitebike is your pot of gold. Not only is it a challenging and high flying racing game, but it also has some of the best controls out of any other NES games. And whether you would like to ride solo or ride alongside others in the ride of your life, you will have a fun time with this game, for it is by far the best racing game in the NES library. It is also the most iconic, for it allows you to play with others and allows you to pick what colored person and vehicle you would like. But believe it or not, there was actually a Mario version of Excitebike released in Japan called Excitebike: Bun Bun Mario Battle Stadium. I personally have never played it, but it is most likely just as good as the original Excitebike, and no doubt Excitebike will be a piece of cake for many to beat and enjoy, for it is always fun to play games where men drive on tracks and run people over! Uh, you better check this out...http://www.cafegamer.com/play-524.html
Final Fantasy
Well, to begin with, I am not the biggest buff of Final Fantasy. Sure, all the games are good as well as the Kingdom Hearts games it would spawn in the coming years, but I just never wrapped myself in the overall noir and mythology of the series. However, the original Final Fantasy for the NES is a great game. It was a huge 1 up in RPGs at the time, and would leave the breadcrumbs for other RPGs to follow in the future, such as the Pokemon series. And it's always fun to slaughter giant dragons, fight off a herd of evil enemies, and even brand an onslaught of epic weapons made famous in later Final Fantasy titles. And even if it's not the first Final Fantasy ever made (well, not the first made in Japan), it has a place in our hearts as the game the started it all, the game that started the whole obsessed universe with characters with funny haircuts and mystical orbs from lands far away. And even though it's not my all time favorite (believe me, I know nothing about Final Fantasy noir), it's one of my favorite RPGs and I still enjoy it to this very day.
Ice Climbers
Gotta love a game where you play as Eskimos running around smashing ice with giant hammers! Considered to many as the more brutal version of Milton Bradley's Don't Break The Ice, Ice Climbers tells the story of Eskimos Popo and Nana who are on a mission to retrieve stolen vegetables from a vicious vulture. In order to get to their holy veggies of deception, Popo and Nana must go on the periling journey of climbing up 32 ice covered mountains filled with the most vulgar and callous of creatures, which ,with the swiftness of an eagle, can be bashed with your iconic brown hammer in a matter of seconds. And Ice Climbers, for how hard and challenging it is, is still a pretty fun game, and the main protagonists, Popo and Nana would become stellar NES icons, appearing in other games like Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Wii. Because nothing says saving the world like sending enemies flying to oblivion with the smash of a hammer!

One of the very few shooting games I am a fan of, Contra features groundbreaking flips, shooting techniques, and a hunky body builder commando named Bill R. The plot of the game is something straight out of an average action flick from the 1980s, only this time, thrown in with the minors elements of a cheesy sci-fi cult classic. But Contra is made better by the swift and agile play controls and the ability to do many things with that mighty weapon called a gun. Bill R. is able to do many different tricks with his gun as the game goes farther, and as in many games released for this epic console, you are put up against the most feared of thugs and bosses. How cool would it be if people had guns with unlimited ammo in real life? But Contra is very exciting and grandiose, and would allow it's epic sequels to follow in it's footsteps, such as Contra III: The Alien Wars (The Next Best SNES Classics anyone?)
And the next best NES classic is....
Ninja Gaiden
Like Ghosts n Goblins, Ninja Gaiden will make you wanna break the game cartridge like the Nostalgia Critic did to Bebes Kids for the SNES. This game, and the spawns it would spawn, are very difficult and will make your brain ooze out of your nose. But to give the game supreme credit, it is very groundbreaking and unlike any other game released at the time. The gameplay, though very reminiscent of the Castlevania games, allowed you to walk on walls and perform groundbreaking stealth attacks with your sword, not to mention the main character of the game is named Ryu. Where's M. Bison and Blanka when you need them? This game is also glorified for it's stunning cutscenes and anime like potential, making ninjas a more prominent feature in video games. But never the less, Ninja Gaiden (GUY-DEN) is one hard cookie to crumble, especially in later levels, which will require your patience and sharpness to get from one baffling boss to the next. And who can forget that awesome soundtrack, pumping you up for nonstop action and slashing in each level.
So, with that said, I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of my all time favorite NES games. Hopefully a Part 3 will be on the way, but stay tuned for more fun and intriguing blogspots in the near future. Live long and prosper!
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