Sunday, May 1, 2011

Movie Sequels That Are Better Or On Par With The First

Movie sequels are a mixed bag. Sometimes they blow the socks off us movie goers with their cutting edge action, special effects and character development, but for the film most part, movie sequels blow the big one and disappoint a lot of people because they just don't fill the shoes of the first. But once in a blue moon, when all the planets line up on the eve of a solar eclipse, a movie sequel will go on to become even more critically acclaimed than the first and bring the bar even higher for further movie sequels to live up too. With that said, let's have a look at some movie sequels that have left an even greater impact than the first films, and like any category which I write about, there are so many, it would take several hundred years to finish a list, but let's leave it at ten because, well, Top 10 Lists are the most common. Who doesn't like a good Top 10 List?

Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

The first Star Trek movie was a tripe sandwich with extra boringness, and left a lot of Trekkies with a sour feeling inside. I mean, come on, a giant killer cloud fighting off a giant spaceship. It worked better when they made Galactus a planet eating cloud in the Fantastic Four movies! But Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan did what the first did not It delivered a lot of hard core action, it delivered a lot of character development, it delivered a lot of comic relief, but yet still captured the overall embodiment and essence of Star Trek. If I could sum up this movie in one word, it would be remarkable. The morals of this film are timeless, and reminiscent of Herman Melville's Moby Dick, as well as it's moral of revenge and sacrifice. And yes, it is still heartbreaking to this very day to see one of the most beloved science officers in all of science fiction kick the bucket, even if he does come back in the next film, that my friends is the great impact this film has had on not only pop culture, but our lives. KKKKKHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man was an awesome super-hero film that redeemed what is now known today as the "super-hero" genre. But looking on it as a film in general, it was nothing too special. Spider-Man 2 on the other hand took what made the first film great and supersized it to an unlimited level, delivering not only a cutting edge action film, but a film that captures the likeness and trademarks of the beloved comic books it was based off of. Spider-Man 2 is a FUN movie and keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. It's fast pasted, it's exciting, and has you hanging in the balance at the end of each climatic act. The characters, the settings, and the overall feeling of the film is in line, making you feel like you are actually in the film experiencing what Spider-Man experiences. And what is so bittersweet is that the film not only ends on a cliffhanger, but also on a high note, and puts you right into the mood and suspense for the next film. It's a shame Spider-Man 3 could not follow up to this hype.

Toy Story 2 and Shrek 2

I thought these two films are somewhat at a tiebreaker, but most people will probably disagree and say that they should stand out on their own. But the reason I have these films sharing the Number 8 spot is because these films carry that wholesome sequely goodness and deliver just as much humor, intrigue, and heart-warming qualities as the first films. Both Toy Story 2 and Shrek 2 could very well be 2 of the funniest animated films ever made, for many will say that they carry much more tomfoolery and laughter as the first films, and I strongly agree with that. But what makes these films stand out from the first films is that they can bring in a lot more characters, a lot more settings, and a much more complex plot but still have that same impact as the first. I don't think I know a toddler that doesn't know who Jesse is or Princess Fiona, or Puss in Boots, and heck, some kids might even remember those Rockem Sockem Robots from Toy Story 2. But both sequels carry on the mission of the first, and allow us to fully engulf ourselves in the silliness and wonder that not only kids can drool over, but adults as well.


Ridley Scott outdid himself with Alien, a groundbreaking science fiction film that could also fit in as one of the greatest horror movies of all time. So what happens when you let the motion picture genius that is James Cameron direct the sequel. An overwhelming nail biter of a sequel that carries on perfectly from the first film. This film has so much to offer, from that classic, bloody mucus gore, to the giant mechanical robots, to the epic final confrontation between Ellen Ripley and the main Alien himself. And what a creative title for a sequel, Aliens, for it screws in perfectly with the plot of the film. The characters and acting are also top notch, earning the main heroine of Ellen Ripley the spot as one of the greatest movie heroes of all time. But the effects and animatronics that were used on the aliens are incredible, really making the aliens look realistic, and it sure looks a lot better than some of the CGI garbage we see today. Overall, Aliens is a fantastic sci-fi and well worth a watch for any movie purist. But Aliens is just simply not as good as the Cameron masterpiece that is yet to come!

Superman 2
Yeh, I know, a lot of people may disagree with me on this one, but I strongly think that the Richard Donner sequel to the original Superman is much more iconic and noticeable than the first Superman film. Sure, the first Superman film was excellent, but Superman 2 just slid so perfectly into the first film. With iconic characters like General Zod and the outstanding Superman performance by the legendary Christopher Reeve, Superman 2 felt like the ultimate comic book movie at the time, and to this very day, it still lives up. Everyone in this film acts just like the comic book characters they are portraying would act if they existed in the real world, and even though some elements of the film look extremely low budget (especially for today's standards), it dives deeper into the overall mythology and character structure of Superman. It is interesting how he interacts with each character, and with a story that is just as vivid as it is complex, we are able to be dazzled by the excitement and wonder in the film, making this perhaps one of the greatest super-hero movies of all time.

Evil Dead 2

There is no perfect bland of horror and comedy like Evil Dead 2. The film not only has some of the best acting, especially by Bruce Campbell, but also some of the best effects ever to grace the silver screen. The critters, the puppets, and the skeleton faced killer in the film are all outstanding, adding a real essence of realism and enthusiasm just as Ash comes along to blow a gun in their face. The film strives farther than the first and when people speak of the Evil Dead trilogy, this is the film that immediately comes to mind. It's hilarious, humorous, and spooky and bone chilling at the same time, but always has you puzzled for what is to come. Just look at the face of Bruce Campbell's Ash and you will know immediately what film it comes from. It is hands down one of the craziest movies you will ever see, even crazier than a film like, oh, I don't know, Gremlins 2: The New Batch

The Dark Knight

Is there anything I can say that has not already been said over and over by fans and critics alone. The Dark Knight is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 better than the already overrated Batman Begins, taking the entire concept present in the first film and making it better and more pleasing in this film. Batman, Harvey Dent, the action scenes, the quotes, and of course, Heath Ledger's autocratic performance as the Joker, all these things make The Dark Knight the most well known and rejoiced Batman film of all time, making inferior Batman films like Batman and Robin look like Home Alone 4. Let's hope that the third and final installment in the Christopher Nolan Batman film series be just as entertaining as hell, but The Dark Knight will always be the one that sticks out like a sore thumb. From the epic bat-pod race through the city to the iconic interrogation scene with the Joker, The Dark Knight is what movies are made of, and proves that certain film makers are willing to take chances and reach the impossible.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Another film that has been glorified to death, but this my friends is no ordinary movie sequel. This is a movie sequel with POWER! Terminator 2 makes the first Terminator look like Batman and Robin (little pun there, ha ha ha) and for many reasons that would take a mile long list to explain. The action sequences are what makes the film stand out from any other film in the genre, as well as the over the top acting, and the overall relationships with the characters, especially the relationship between John Connor and the T-800. The Terminator is hands down Arnold Schwarzenegger's most iconic role, and it's almost impossible not to think of the Terminator when Schwarzenegger is brought to mind. And Robert Patrick was perfect as the slick T-1000, the special effects on the character being some of the best CGI effects ever shown on film. It looks like actual metal that you could reach out and touch But the most vital part of the movie is the overall moral and lessons. The future is unwritten, and it will take a lot of hard work and dedication to make sure that the future of mankind is in good hands and out of the grasp of evil, for the T-800 came back in time to make the people of the past learn this lesson and he even sacrificed himself at the very end to make sure Judgment Day would never occur (of course that was ruined in Terminator 3)

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Can you believe at the time this movie was released, it was considered a film that was not as good as the first. It wasn't until the turn of the decade when people came to their senses and realized that The Empire Strikes Back was a sequel like no other. This is hands down the best of the Star Wars saga, and being a strong defender of the Star Wars prequels, I can honestly say that this film slides in perfectly with the events of those films as well as the events of the original films. The prudent images of the film are what make it the holy grail of Star Wars, from Yoda, to Boba Fett, to the dreary image of the Emperor's hologram, The Empire Strikes Back is packed with places and creatures that were thought to be only present within a dream. It was amazing what George Lucas and Irving Kershner (RIP) were able to do, and to further develop the main characters of the film from their naive, teenager like selves we saw in A New Hope. And who could forget the most iconic twist in all of cinema. Darth Vader telling Luke that he was his father was surely a jaw dropper for all who saw the film back in 1980, and still just as chilling today. And though the film has somewhat of a tearjerking ending, it set up the events of what was yet to come in Return of the Jedi, and the film allows us to see the characters we all know and love to their most prime potential. This would set the ground for further Star Wars stories to follow, but The Empire Strikes Back, no matter how the cookie crumbles, will always be the one that gets the most recognition and significance, for it further explores the universe and conspiracies of the interesting Star Wars galaxy.

Well, I hope you enjoyed having a look at this. I tried to have a little bit of everything for everyone to enjoy, but nevertheless, it was fun to right and fun to read, and I hope you can come to enjoy these movies as much as I do. They are simply sensational!

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