What comes to your mind when you here robots. Do you think of androids that do nothing but babble about useless information, or do you think of androids that wield a sword and fight the most fearsome of creatures. Well, there are quite a few androids that come to mind, so to celebrate, here is my list of Top 10 Robots of All Time. So let’s recharge!
10. Maria

From one of the oldest science fiction films of all time, Maria is a mysterious, yet intriguing cyborg that has a unique way of catching the eye. Even though the film is silent, you can still feel the overall mood of it and have deep suspense. In the film, Maria is transformed into a robot by a mad scientist, and has a unique way of charging, as shown in the picture at the top. She also has quite a unique design. Like I said before, Maria was the prime inspiration for C-3P0 in Star Wars, and in one of Ralph McQuarrie’s concept paintings, C-3P0 looks just like Maria. Though quite and humble, Maria is a cyborg of many abilities, and most of the action in the film primarily revolves around her. I just love how Maria moves so swiftly and agile, and has a personality that can easily be pointed out. It’s such a shame that such a beautiful robot had to be destroyed in the end.
9. The Terminator

I have to admit, I am not the biggest fan of Terminator, but if there is one film I like out of the entire series, it’s Judgement Day. I just love the action, the mystery, and the awesome effects that only the T-1000 could pull off. But the real reason the film was great was because of the Terminator himself, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. What I really like about the robot is when he is badly beaten up and you can see his inner workings, but yet, he still has the ability to kick ass. When the Terminator has a weapon, you can expect him to do brutal things with it. He also is known for such iconic quotes like “I’ll be back” and “Hasta Lavista, Baby”. From what I know, the Terminator is send back in time to protect John Connor from other robots of the future, and through great action scenes and incredible acting, he is able to get the job done. The Terminator, don’t tick him off, our you will live to regret it. If only Arnold could have portrayed him in Salvation rather than a CGI effect.
8. Rosie of the Jetsons

It’s a housekeeper and a robot. Does it get any better. Keeping the Jetson family in line, Rosie is a robot with a lot to say. She is funny, witty, and is often in a big hurry to get the job done. She is also voiced by Jane Vander Pyl, the same actress who played the voice of Wilma on the Flintstones. That’s another great thing about Rosie, you can’t even tell it’s the same woman who played the voice of Wilma. But the thing that I like most about Rosie is that she is the first character on the show to make a reference to the future, comparing old window spray to new radioactive window spray. She is also known for being in AT&T commercials in the mid 2000s, as well as in an episode of Futurama with Fender. Honestly, I could have put her on my Top 10 Cartoon Character’s list, but I believe that now is the time to bring in this iconic cartoon, perhaps the greatest cartoon robot of all time.
7. B-9

Straight from Lost in Space, B-9, also known as “The Robot”, is known for his long, clawed arm, as well as big, fish tank like head. Though possessing capabilities that many humans do not have, B-9 is most known for his emotions. He laughs, cries, and even gets down with a guitar. They should have called him Robot Van Halen. He is also voiced by Dick Tufeld, the same man who did the narration for the show. But no matter what way you put it, he is iconic, and has a lot of nostalgic value to him. I never really watched the entire Lost in Space tv show, but when I here of Lost in Space, I immediately think of the robot. He’s smart, he’s iconic, and very funny in some parts of the show. Just don’t bring up the horrid abomination that was based off the show, the horrible film that butchered B-9 and sealed Lost in Space into a warp of nothingness. But B-9 is a robot with attitude, and is loved by lots in the science fiction world.
6. Data of Star Trek

Now this is one character I had a hard time describing, but Data, played by Brent Spiner, is such an iconic character in the Star Trek universe, he’ s like the Spock of the Next Generation. At first, Data is a emotionless, boring, vacant face robot, but as the series went own, Data gets involved in a lot of action, as well as a lot 0f trouble. Perhaps the best episode with Data is “Elementary, My Dear Data” where Data, as well as Geordi La Forge, take part in a Sherlock Holmes mystery aboard the hollow deck. It’s so much fun to see Data go completely out of character, especially when he has his emotions chip installed for the first time. He acts like a complete idiot. Though a lot of people disliked it, I thought it was funny to see Data make funny faces and deliver funny quotes, one in particular from Star Trek: Generations: “I hate this” But it was surely exciting to see Data once again the the Star Trek: Countdown comic books, the comics that lead right into the 2009 reboot. Hopefully in future Star Trek comics, we can see the Data we all know and love once more.
5. Mecha-Godzilla

Straight from Tokyo, Mecha-Godzilla is the evil foil of Godzilla himself, featuring a lot of Godzilla’s abilities times two. At first, he appeared as the regular Godzilla, causing mass havoc and destruction. But in the first encounter with Godzilla, he is finally exposed in robot form, showing off his amazing abilities, such as flame thrower and finger missiles. Since then, Mecha-Godzilla has appeared in countless Godzilla films, including the final film, Godzilla: Final Wars, in which he confronts his old rival once more. A equivalent of Mecha-Godzilla would be the Dragonzord from Power Rangers, featuring a Godzilla like roar, as well as finger missiles. Personally, I like both robots, but I believe that Mecha-Godzilla symbolizing both, symbolizing evil, havoc, as well as badass action sequences. There’s even a Super Mecha-Godzilla, but I explain that some other time.
4. The AMP Suits from Avatar

Yeh, I know, not exactly a robot that can function on it’s own, but the AMP suits are still pretty cool. Powered by humans to fight on the world of Pandora, the AMP suits are vital weapons during the many battle featured in the film. They are able to shoot guns, as well as missile, and do many moves just like an actual human. I would personally love to own one of these, but unfortunately, they do not exist yet. But only time will tell when the AMP suit is finally made, and we can use in the many struggles ahead. And I can surely say that the toy designers did an excellent job making the toys of the AMP suits, because in order to sell good, they have to look exactly as they did in the movie. The AMP suits, don’t exist…..YET
3. The Sentinels of X-Men

I LOVE X-Men. It’s one of my favorite comic book series of all time. But what really made the X-Men even better was the addition of gigantic mutant hunting robots called Sentinels. Created by Bolivar Trask, these giant purple cyborgs are sent to hunt down all mutants, but when the X-Men come along, they really know how to take these guys down. But Wolverine really knows how to clobber these guys, he dashes through them, cuts their heads off, even goes inside of them, making them destroy themselves. But it was really cool to see these guys in action in the X-Men TV series, as well as a brief scene in X-Men: The Last Stand. I even have the Marvel Legends “12 inch Sentinel figure and its awesome, really displaying the true likeness to the iconic robots.
2. C-3P0 and R2-D2

The Abbott and Costello of the Star Wars universe, C-3P0 and R2-D2 are well known for their bickering as well and sticking together in the roughest of times. But what makes the two iconic is very obvious. C-3P0 is the Tin Man of the two, chickening out and displaying erratic behavior in a situation. R2-D2 is the one that always saves the day. When others are panicking, R2 pulls out his handy turning thinger and saves others from danger. But what I really like about the two is that they are always there for each other. R2 was the one that put 3P0′s head back onto his body in Episode 2, and 3P0 assists Luke Skywalker in the search for R2 in Episode 4. It’s also fun to see the two in The Clone Wars tv show, getting into loads of more trouble, as well as teaming up with the despised Jar Jar Binks. But these two are amazing, and to this day remain a proud symbol of Star Wars.
Now who could possible top R2 and 3P0?
Well, the number one robot is……….
1. Dino Megazord

Go ahead and complain people, but I believe this to be the greatest robot of all time. Reasons being is because I grew up with this guy, and to this day, he is still the best Megazord of the Power Rangers franchise. A combination of five single zords, the T-Rex, the Triceratops, the Saber-Tooth Tiger, the Mastodon, and the Pterodactyl, this guy could really give them monsters a taste of their own medicine. But when punching didn’t do the job right, the Megazord would use it’s mighty power sword to deliver the final blow to destroy the evil space aliens created by Finster. Now, believe it or not, on the original Super Sentai show, the Megazord was God, literally God! What were they thinking. But it was the American show that brought this bad boy to a bigger hype. And when he is transformed into the even more powerful Thunder Megazord, he is still retro. But it is the Dino Megazord that achieves the rank of #1. He is incredibly iconic!
Well, there you have it folks, my Top 10 Robots of All Time. I will be back with more blog entries in the near future, so stayed tuned, and have a good day
From one of the oldest science fiction films of all time, Maria is a mysterious, yet intriguing cyborg that has a unique way of catching the eye. Even though the film is silent, you can still feel the overall mood of it and have deep suspense. In the film, Maria is transformed into a robot by a mad scientist, and has a unique way of charging, as shown in the picture at the top. She also has quite a unique design. Like I said before, Maria was the prime inspiration for C-3P0 in Star Wars, and in one of Ralph McQuarrie’s concept paintings, C-3P0 looks just like Maria. Though quite and humble, Maria is a cyborg of many abilities, and most of the action in the film primarily revolves around her. I just love how Maria moves so swiftly and agile, and has a personality that can easily be pointed out. It’s such a shame that such a beautiful robot had to be destroyed in the end.
9. The Terminator
I have to admit, I am not the biggest fan of Terminator, but if there is one film I like out of the entire series, it’s Judgement Day. I just love the action, the mystery, and the awesome effects that only the T-1000 could pull off. But the real reason the film was great was because of the Terminator himself, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. What I really like about the robot is when he is badly beaten up and you can see his inner workings, but yet, he still has the ability to kick ass. When the Terminator has a weapon, you can expect him to do brutal things with it. He also is known for such iconic quotes like “I’ll be back” and “Hasta Lavista, Baby”. From what I know, the Terminator is send back in time to protect John Connor from other robots of the future, and through great action scenes and incredible acting, he is able to get the job done. The Terminator, don’t tick him off, our you will live to regret it. If only Arnold could have portrayed him in Salvation rather than a CGI effect.
8. Rosie of the Jetsons

It’s a housekeeper and a robot. Does it get any better. Keeping the Jetson family in line, Rosie is a robot with a lot to say. She is funny, witty, and is often in a big hurry to get the job done. She is also voiced by Jane Vander Pyl, the same actress who played the voice of Wilma on the Flintstones. That’s another great thing about Rosie, you can’t even tell it’s the same woman who played the voice of Wilma. But the thing that I like most about Rosie is that she is the first character on the show to make a reference to the future, comparing old window spray to new radioactive window spray. She is also known for being in AT&T commercials in the mid 2000s, as well as in an episode of Futurama with Fender. Honestly, I could have put her on my Top 10 Cartoon Character’s list, but I believe that now is the time to bring in this iconic cartoon, perhaps the greatest cartoon robot of all time.
7. B-9
Straight from Lost in Space, B-9, also known as “The Robot”, is known for his long, clawed arm, as well as big, fish tank like head. Though possessing capabilities that many humans do not have, B-9 is most known for his emotions. He laughs, cries, and even gets down with a guitar. They should have called him Robot Van Halen. He is also voiced by Dick Tufeld, the same man who did the narration for the show. But no matter what way you put it, he is iconic, and has a lot of nostalgic value to him. I never really watched the entire Lost in Space tv show, but when I here of Lost in Space, I immediately think of the robot. He’s smart, he’s iconic, and very funny in some parts of the show. Just don’t bring up the horrid abomination that was based off the show, the horrible film that butchered B-9 and sealed Lost in Space into a warp of nothingness. But B-9 is a robot with attitude, and is loved by lots in the science fiction world.
6. Data of Star Trek
Now this is one character I had a hard time describing, but Data, played by Brent Spiner, is such an iconic character in the Star Trek universe, he’ s like the Spock of the Next Generation. At first, Data is a emotionless, boring, vacant face robot, but as the series went own, Data gets involved in a lot of action, as well as a lot 0f trouble. Perhaps the best episode with Data is “Elementary, My Dear Data” where Data, as well as Geordi La Forge, take part in a Sherlock Holmes mystery aboard the hollow deck. It’s so much fun to see Data go completely out of character, especially when he has his emotions chip installed for the first time. He acts like a complete idiot. Though a lot of people disliked it, I thought it was funny to see Data make funny faces and deliver funny quotes, one in particular from Star Trek: Generations: “I hate this” But it was surely exciting to see Data once again the the Star Trek: Countdown comic books, the comics that lead right into the 2009 reboot. Hopefully in future Star Trek comics, we can see the Data we all know and love once more.
5. Mecha-Godzilla
Straight from Tokyo, Mecha-Godzilla is the evil foil of Godzilla himself, featuring a lot of Godzilla’s abilities times two. At first, he appeared as the regular Godzilla, causing mass havoc and destruction. But in the first encounter with Godzilla, he is finally exposed in robot form, showing off his amazing abilities, such as flame thrower and finger missiles. Since then, Mecha-Godzilla has appeared in countless Godzilla films, including the final film, Godzilla: Final Wars, in which he confronts his old rival once more. A equivalent of Mecha-Godzilla would be the Dragonzord from Power Rangers, featuring a Godzilla like roar, as well as finger missiles. Personally, I like both robots, but I believe that Mecha-Godzilla symbolizing both, symbolizing evil, havoc, as well as badass action sequences. There’s even a Super Mecha-Godzilla, but I explain that some other time.
4. The AMP Suits from Avatar
Yeh, I know, not exactly a robot that can function on it’s own, but the AMP suits are still pretty cool. Powered by humans to fight on the world of Pandora, the AMP suits are vital weapons during the many battle featured in the film. They are able to shoot guns, as well as missile, and do many moves just like an actual human. I would personally love to own one of these, but unfortunately, they do not exist yet. But only time will tell when the AMP suit is finally made, and we can use in the many struggles ahead. And I can surely say that the toy designers did an excellent job making the toys of the AMP suits, because in order to sell good, they have to look exactly as they did in the movie. The AMP suits, don’t exist…..YET
3. The Sentinels of X-Men
I LOVE X-Men. It’s one of my favorite comic book series of all time. But what really made the X-Men even better was the addition of gigantic mutant hunting robots called Sentinels. Created by Bolivar Trask, these giant purple cyborgs are sent to hunt down all mutants, but when the X-Men come along, they really know how to take these guys down. But Wolverine really knows how to clobber these guys, he dashes through them, cuts their heads off, even goes inside of them, making them destroy themselves. But it was really cool to see these guys in action in the X-Men TV series, as well as a brief scene in X-Men: The Last Stand. I even have the Marvel Legends “12 inch Sentinel figure and its awesome, really displaying the true likeness to the iconic robots.
2. C-3P0 and R2-D2
The Abbott and Costello of the Star Wars universe, C-3P0 and R2-D2 are well known for their bickering as well and sticking together in the roughest of times. But what makes the two iconic is very obvious. C-3P0 is the Tin Man of the two, chickening out and displaying erratic behavior in a situation. R2-D2 is the one that always saves the day. When others are panicking, R2 pulls out his handy turning thinger and saves others from danger. But what I really like about the two is that they are always there for each other. R2 was the one that put 3P0′s head back onto his body in Episode 2, and 3P0 assists Luke Skywalker in the search for R2 in Episode 4. It’s also fun to see the two in The Clone Wars tv show, getting into loads of more trouble, as well as teaming up with the despised Jar Jar Binks. But these two are amazing, and to this day remain a proud symbol of Star Wars.
Now who could possible top R2 and 3P0?
Well, the number one robot is……….
1. Dino Megazord
Go ahead and complain people, but I believe this to be the greatest robot of all time. Reasons being is because I grew up with this guy, and to this day, he is still the best Megazord of the Power Rangers franchise. A combination of five single zords, the T-Rex, the Triceratops, the Saber-Tooth Tiger, the Mastodon, and the Pterodactyl, this guy could really give them monsters a taste of their own medicine. But when punching didn’t do the job right, the Megazord would use it’s mighty power sword to deliver the final blow to destroy the evil space aliens created by Finster. Now, believe it or not, on the original Super Sentai show, the Megazord was God, literally God! What were they thinking. But it was the American show that brought this bad boy to a bigger hype. And when he is transformed into the even more powerful Thunder Megazord, he is still retro. But it is the Dino Megazord that achieves the rank of #1. He is incredibly iconic!
Well, there you have it folks, my Top 10 Robots of All Time. I will be back with more blog entries in the near future, so stayed tuned, and have a good day
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