Why so serious?
Of all the quotes Mr. Heath Ledger Joker chanted in The Dark Knight, Why So Serious is obviously the one that sticks out like Pinocchio's nose. It is undeniable the most chanted catchphrase from The Dark Knight, and even though Mr. Ledger said it very few times in the film, it still had a groundbreaking impact, for it really showed the skyrocketing magnitude and power Ledger put into the Joker's character. Just as he says it in the film, it's intimidating as all heck, and really shows how demanded and cruel the Joker is as he mercilessly sabotages many lives in Gotham City as he tries to uncover the true identity of Batman. And come to think of it, I wonder how the other Jokers would have sounded if they had said this line. I think it still would have been pretty kick ass coming out of the mouth of Mark Hamill or Jack Nicholson, just look how scary and demanded he was in Burton's first film. Either way, Ledger did a fantastic job making this one of the most chilling lines ever spoken on film, and it really makes us wonder? WHY SO SERIOUS? Just think about it? Why do we all act so serious at moments? Why do we have emotional breakdowns every so often? Well, the Joker makes us think about that, and this quote, like Ledger's performance, has helped the Joker gain recognition as one of the most iconic comic book villain of all time.
Come with me if you want to live
It's weird to think that these words first came out of the mouth of Kyle Reese in the first Terminator film, but it was Schwarzenegger's chanting of the line in Judgment Day that solidly made this one of the most recognizable elements of the entire Terminator franchise. This quote, also said several times in the Terminator sequels and The Sarah Connor Chronicles, became not only a symbolic to the Terminator's character, but films as a whole, for it gave us all a feeling of protection, courage, and strength, making use realize that there will always be those who stand by our sides and fight to defend us, helping us become much stronger and willing to fight on our own. That's one of the very many lessons the Terminator has come to teach us as, through Judgment Day, we see him become more and more human, until the very end where he sacrifices himself to prevent the formation of Skynet. John Conner and Sarah Connor LIVED because of the Terminator's vital protection, and he would do anything in his power to make sure that the future savior for humanity, John Connor would not be eliminated, for he helped better both their characters, making them much wiser than what they started off as in the beginning of the film. The Terminator's MISSION was surely ACCOMPLISHED.
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
I'm not much of a Godfather historian, but if I had to pick one quote from Coppola's franchise, it would surely be I'm Gonna Make Him An Offer He Can't Refuse. This line really shows how sinister and calculating Marlon Brando's character of Don Vito Corleone really is, and showing he will do just about anything to get his godson, John Fontane, a role in a feature film that will help his ailing career, even make the head of the film studio and offer he can't refuse. It's a movie quote that has never before been spoken on film and for many movie purists, it is a film line that sticks out like a sore thumb. The Godfather and The Godfather Part 2 have gone down in history as two of the most significantly proclaimed motion pictures ever produced, and part of that has to do with this one line. Just as Marlon Brando says it, you can really feel a tingle in your bones, and the hairs on the back of your neck rise like something terribly wrong is going to occur, and as we all know, something unfortunately does go down the crapper by the end of each film. Since The Godfather's release in 1976, I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse has been penned as one of the greatest lines ever spoken on film, ranking second in the American Film Institute's list of 100 Greatest Movie Quotes, next to Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn from Gone with the Wind, which agreeable ranked at #1. But in my book, I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse is undeniable one of my all time favorite movie quotes, even if The Godfather isn't my all time favorite movie series to jump on top of.
There's no place like home
As if I even need to go into any detail. Seriously, is there possibly anything I can say that has not already been said countless times by fans and movie purists alike. This line, spoken in one of the most well known motion pictures ever made has gone on to leave an impact like no other movie quote in history, although, ironically, the line was only spoken once by Dorothy in L.Frank Baum's originally novel from 1900, which the acclaimed movie followed in vain. Judy Garland was such a great actor for her time, and her role as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz really goes to show what she is able to do, and delivering this line towards the very end of the film, you can really see how much Dorothy has changed throughout the movie, from a Kansas farm girl suffering from bordom, wishing to be in a place far beyond her wilded dreams to a sophisticated young lady who comes to realize that she had that all along, and that she could be happy right where she was, even if Kansas was a dull, unexciting place. And she is not alone. Many people in actual reality have come to realize how precise home life really is, college students, scholars, scientists, military sergeants, who have all been indulged in the realm of their careers, and it's all because of this quote.
This quote has helped many realize that there will never be another place on this Earth like the very place you were raised at, the very house you grew up inside and were raised within, the place where you became who you really are. And years from now, when we move away and live in another town or mountainside, we look back into our memory banks and remember home, a place that can never be matched. This quote has touched the lives of many, no scratch that, all people, for there is perhaps no person on this Earth, except children in infancy that have not seen this masterpiece, a film that will still be in people's hearts 10,000 years from now, and one of the pivotal reasons The Wizard of Oz will spend many years in the spotlight, is because of this quote. There no place like home, it really puts life into perspective, and helps us to understand that home will always be a place where we are welcomed with open arms.
May the force be with you
As the big Star Wars fan I am, I couldn't go about making a list of my favorite movie quotes without including the signature quote from the entire series. This quote has not only been spoken in the Star Wars films, but in just about every Star Wars video game, comic book, even The Clone Wars television series. And I don't blame them for not including this quote in those stories, because May The Force Be With You is not just the most memorable quote in all of Star Wars, but filmography in general. This quote has been spoken in many other films and parodies as well as people in reality, past actor and US president Ronald Reagan saying the memorable line in a speech about the U.S.S.R.But it is much, much more than just a line, first spoken by cocky smuggler Han Solo in the very first Star Wars film, it is a line that provides hope, giving people supreme confidence and pride and allowing them not to give up. When Luke Skywalker was attacking the Death Star in the film, he believed in the force, even with the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to Use The Force, he believed in himself, and didn't depend on the technological advancements around him, and this eventually allowed him to fire the torpedoes that annihilated the Death Star and all aboard. This quote could also be looked upon as helping people in real life as well. Do you really think people like Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi would have gotten anywhere if they didn't believe in themselves, didn't try, Use The Force. But as we all know, they did, and they made the ultimate difference.
So, in it's own way, the force does not only exist in the Star Wars universe, but our universe as well. It surrounds us, penetrates us, holds the galaxy together. Doesn't that apply with life here on Earth. Don't people often work together and work hard to achieve things. May The Force Be With You in a way had something to do with that, helping us find who we really are, and realizing that there are many things in life bigger than anything we could ever imagine, bigger than our own world, bigger than ourselves. It's always fascinating to believe in the supernatural, like the force, and it can fill us with the most grandiose of feelings.
But it's always a mixed bag as to what movie quotes you hold close to your hearts. As a matter of fact, all movies, good or bad, have quotes that signify them from all the rest. Even if they aren't the most recognizable, they are still acknowledged in a way, and really make the film stand out from all the rest. And I certainly feel that the movie industry is driven to a supreme level because of the memorable quotes spoken in films, for they can leave a critical impact on all those who watch and enjoy films, and they can take these lines with them through life and allow them to inspire their actions.
What about "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."?